Los Cerritos Elementary School students
Mental Health » Enhancing Mental Health at SSFUSD

Enhancing Mental Health at SSFUSD


Our district has partnered with Daybreak Health, a school-based mental health company, to offer 1:1 teletherapy services to our students and their families, with qualified clinicians. These services will be provided at no cost to families.


If a student is struggling with anxiety, depression, trauma, relationship challenges, stress, or other mental health related issues, they can get referred to this program, have an intake appointment, and get matched with a therapist based on their individual needs within 1-2 weeks. The student will meet with their therapist once/week for 50-minutes over ~12 weeks. All sessions are hosted over Zoom and can take place before, during or after school hours, during the week or even on Saturdays.


During the program, the student’s therapist will help them understand their emotions and learn new skills and strategies to manage their symptoms that they can use in class, at home, and throughout their life.

If you have a student who you think could benefit from virtual mental health support, reach out to your School Counselor, Wellness Counselor, or Administrators for more information.

Daybreak Health also offers free webinars throughout the year to help parents better understand what kind of developmental and behavioral changes their children might be going through and how best to support them. Information about the webinars will be sent out once dates are confirmed.


The Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI) is a five-year, multimillion dollar program supported by the State of California to improve the mental health supports for students and families across California schools. As part of this program, the state has gathered resources for students and families to support mental health and wellness. These resources include access to free mental health coaching supports for youth through two online providers: Soluna (ages 13 - 25) and BrightLife Kids (ages 0 - 12). Parents/guardians must register for students under age 13.


Daybreak Health



National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255 or 1-800-SUICIDE


Local Suicide Crisis Line: (650) 573-2662/(650) 579-0350


Teen Line Text Support: Text "Teen" to 839863 between 6-9pm PST


Daly City Youth Health Center: 650-877-5700/dalycityyouth.org


Domestic Violence: (800) 300-1080


Parenting Crisis Line: (888) 220-7575