Los Cerritos Elementary School students
Student Services » Transitional Kindergarten

Transitional Kindergarten

2025-26 Transitional Kindergarten Lottery
  • ***Update 3/10/25*** We are waiting on one last school/classroom determination before holding the lottery. Lottery applicants will receive an email when their placement is complete – expect this around March 17-18


  • Only students with birthdates between September 2, 2020 and September 1, 2021 are eligible 


  • All eligible applications received between January 21, 2025 and February 28, 2025 will be entered into a lottery in early March 2025; late applications received March 1st or later will be processed for potential placement after the lottery in the order in which they were received


  • Those who receive school placements in March 2025 will be asked to register with their assigned school by March 28, 2025


Parents who complete applications by February 28, 2025 will either be assigned to a school or placed on a waitlist based on results of a lottery held in March. If your student is assigned to a school, then parents have three weeks (15 school days) to complete registration by collecting the required documents to submit to the assigned school and completing a registration packet. Those who apply after the lottery will be processed as they are received and assigned to a school or placed on a waitlist based on space availability at the time of application.


Parents without a PG&E bill in their name can verify their residence by completing a residency affidavit / Spanish at the district office beginning in March 2025. Once the residency affidavit has been approved, please bring the approved copy to your assigned school office.


Is your child currently attending TK? 

TK school assignments are not permanent placements. All students must register online with their school of residence for kindergarten. All students entering kindergarten must register as new student through the online registration kiosk. See the New Student page for registration information.

See below for more information on how to get ready for TK. Click here for a printable PDF English / Spanish


Transitional Kindergarten is the first phase of a two-year Kindergarten program that uses age-appropriate curriculum aligned to the Preschool Transitional Kindergarten Learning Foundations (PTKLF). TK acts as a bridge between preschool and Kindergarten and is designed to provide our youngest learners with the pivotal skills and experiences needed for success in Kindergarten. This program is optional, and parents are not required to enroll their child in TK.


TK gives our young learners:

  • An opportunity to learn and grow in an environment tailored to meet their academic and social needs.
  • A nurturing environment where children learn routines and social skills, and work collaboratively with other students.
  • Instruction that focuses on all areas of child development, including social emotional, literacy and math foundations, as well as fine and gross motor skills.


Children learn quickly, especially when their parents are involved. Please help your child get a jump start on a successful TK experience by practicing the below skills at home:

  • Use the bathroom by themselves (wiping properly, pulling up pants and washing their hands after).
  • Put on his or her coat/sweater by themselves (including buttons and zippers).
  • Tie or fasten his or her own shoes (or wear slip-ons or shoes with Velcro straps).
  • Keep fingers out of noses and mouths
  • Feed themselves.
  • Use tissue to wipe their nose.
  • Hold a pencil or crayon.
  • Wash their hands with soap and water on their own.
  • Leave parents of caregivers and say good-bye without being overly upset.
  • Say and know their full name (not just their nickname).
  • Listen to a story.
  • Share willingly with others.
  • Take turns.
  • Sing the ABC song.
  • Listen to and follow basic directions.
  • Ask for help when needed.


  • Clothes that are easy for your child to use the bathroom independently, such as pants or sweatpants with elastic waistbands.
  • Jackets/sweaters that are easy to get on and off independently.
  • Slip-on or Velcro shoes to wear on school days (NO laces please).

Students should wear comfortable clothes that allow them to work and play freely. We play outside, use playdoh and other art materials frequently. Please keep an extra set of clothes in your child’s backpack in case of accidents.



8:20 am

Class Line Up

11:05 am

Lunch & Recess

8:30 am

Unpack & Prepare for Day

11:45 am

Bathroom/ Transition

8:45 am

Fine Motor Activities

12:00 pm

Whole Group Activity & Art

9:15 am

Circle Time

12:30 pm

Choice Time

9:50 am


1:15 pm

Clean Up & Pack Up

10:30 am

Literacy & Math Centers

1:20 pm


* Beginning of year early dismissal schedule TBD. Class schedules will vary by school.



Students with birthdates on or between September 2, 2019 and June 2, 2020 are eligible. 


A link for the application will be available here starting the afternoon of February 1, 2024. You must be a resident of SSFUSD or an SSFUSD employee to apply. All applications received by February 29, 2024 will be entered into the TK lottery for school placement. All applications received after the lottery will be placed first-come, first-served depending on space availability.


2024-25 Application for Transitional Kindergarten


Assignments for 2024-25 will go out via email about a week after the lottery to be held in early March. Assignments will be based on school assignment area, sibling enrollment, and space availability.


We will continue to accept applications after the lottery is held. Applications received March 1, 2024 or later will be processed in the order received. Processing for new applications may take up to three weeks. If the program is full, we will continue receiving applications for the waitlist.